Friday, March 29, 2019

A sense of place

I think victor hugo begins with so many details to get the reader involved more to make the reader feel like he knows the place to his imaginations max potential. No I don’t agree with history sometimes because sometimes it’s too much and is still causing problems at this moment. No the places I group up in didn’t really have an effect on me because I knew if my mom caught me stepping outside the box i was going to get a good beating out of it.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

BQ thoughts

I really haven’t been doing anything to research the question. I feel like I don’t have enough time because I just get so caught up with homework from other classes and trying to study for test from those classes. Another reason I don’t have time on the weekends is because I have been going outta town a lot recently because my grandma has been getting sick so we go to support her and help her out. I would really like to work on this big question but not outside of school I feel like if we had a couple of days in class it would be pretty helpful.

My online me

When I searched for my self on the internet my football awards and other related stuff came up. Santa Maria times came up. It was a picture of me sacking the Quarter Back. I also popped up when I was blocking for my friend when he was running the ball. I also came up on round table. It where they give pizza to the areas athletes and I got to go to it. It was a pretty fun experience.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Good morning

I learned today that I have to stop hitting the snooze button because it makes me late. Today I only had 6 mins to get here on time and I only got here on time cause my cousin gave me a ride. But it’s frustrating when I wake up late and get to school late cause I wanna get here on time I just go to bed late cause when I do my hw it takes me a good amount of time. My good habit is that I can get ready in only a few minutes.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Todays takeaways

Today in class I learned how to better my lit circle doc. I saw my classmates lit circles and I liked how they were organized. They were organized with pages to where they got the information. All of the sections were done they looked nice and it looked like they really cared to do it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Reading Me

Yeah I read when I’m not in school. I read les miserables. The only reason I read is because my teacher ask me to and i know he isn’t just telling me to do stuff for random reasons or just because but ik it’s going to make me better for the next level. I also read cause I want to just get my stuff over and done with.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

When the cats away the mice go to work

On the days you were gone I read to page 400. I read about Cosette's first time having a feel for freedom. A traveler talked to Thernadier and bought Cosette some happiness. Thernadier as we know loves money and will do anything to get money. So the traveler which they call a Carter in the book asked how much it would be. Thernadier gave a price and he paid. Cosette was scared so she asked if she could play Thernadier angrily said yes.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Life with Cosette

I think Cosette got used to the abuse she is put everyday which is sad and no child should be used to that type of torture. She has never experienced a nice person in her life so how could she know. She has only experienced pain being brought out on her by the thernadiers. I think she sees this as just a lifestyle everyone lives.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Request for feed

Hi and thanks for visiting. If you've read my lit circle doc, can you please leave a comment? I'm interested in your feedback, questions, and suggestions. Thank you

Monday, March 4, 2019

Mr. Nice guy

I think when people do kind things it makes them feel good I don't think it does anything for the person but I think it passes on to the next person. It then becomes a cycle of being nice. I don't think you can be nice by acting nice because sometimes deep down you can be hating something and it just eliminates the point of doing a good deed.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Recipe for a happy life

To make a happy Adult hood I think you need to learn to get over situations or bumps in the road. I say this because some people like serial killers, rapist, etc. Are hurt deep inside and that is why they take it out on other people because they are so tired and sad of their situation so they have to resort to hurting other people. I think it depends on a good child hood most of the time because when I was younger my dad walked out on me, my brother, and my mom and it was bad my mom had to take care of me and my brother. It effected me more then it did my brother because I was younger my grades were dropping I was getting in a lot of trouble but a couple years later I got over it and just said I cant do anything about it other than help out the one who stayed with me so I just started doing better in school. So yeah I think ones child hood has an effect on a persons adult hood.